Activated Apple Pie Granola
3 cups raw nuts and seeds
5 cups pure water warm
1- 1 1/2 cups dates flour-free, pieces or pitted whole dates, chopped (or raisins or fig pieces)
1-1 1/2 cups pure water
6 cups rolled oats gluten-free if necessary (or other flaked grain such as spelt -- not gluten- free)
2 cups flaked coconut chips
6 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
6 cups pure water warm
2 cups coconut water or apple juice
5 tablespoons ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
4 apples grated
Put the nuts and seeds in a medium-sized bowl along with about 5 cups of warm water (to cover generously). Cover with a towel and let soak overnight in a warm place, 8 to 12 hours.
Put the date pieces in a small bowl, along with 1-1/2 cups of water. Cover with a plate or towel and let soak overnight, 8 to 12 hours.
Put the rolled oats in a large bowl, along with 6 cups of warm water, apple cider vinegar and coconut water or apple juice. Cover with a plate or towel and let soak overnight in a warm place, 8 to 12 hours.
When the soaking time is complete, drain the nuts and seeds, discarding the water. Put in a large mixing bowl.
Blend the dates, their soaking water, and all spices and salt in a blender or food processor until smooth. Add this paste to the large bowl with the nuts and seeds.
Drain and rinse the oats in a fine colander or sieve. The drier you can get them, the quicker the dehydrating process will go. Add them to the big bowl with the date paste, nuts, seeds and add the grated apple too. Toss gently to mix well.
Spread thinly (1/4" or less) on dehydrator trays that are covered with non-stick mats. This amount of granola fills almost 5 trays.
Dehydrate at less than 115 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 to 24 hours. About halfway through the dehydrating time, check in on its process. Granola crispness is such a personal thing, I love mine super crunchy so leave it in as long as I can, my mum likes it super gooey so this would probably be a good time for her to take it out. Your granola - your preference!
When done, remove from the dehydrator and place in a big bowl Break up the sheets into bite-sized chunks. Let it cool fully before transferring to an airtight glass jar for storage.