Nick’s Burrito
When Nick is on one of his wild adventures, this is his favourite meal. He says it fills him up and keeps him going for hours. He also says serving a burrito without Sriracha is a criminal offence.
Photography: Nick Jaffe / Satellite Island, Tasmania
Photography: Nick Jaffe / Satellite Island, Tasmania
4 rashers bacon, rind removed, sliced
|4 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup grated cheese (cheddar is good)
2 tortillas
sriracha sauce, to serve
fire pit
- Feeds 2 -
Photography: Nick Jaffe / Satellite Island, Tasmania
Photography: Nick Jaffe / Satellite Island, Tasmania
Photography: Nick Jaffe / Satellite Island, Tasmania
Light your fire and let it burn down to obtain a medium heat. You’re looking for coals to cook over.
Place your frying pan over the fire, add a little butter and the bacon and fry until cooked to your liking (Nick says golden brown).
Remove the bacon and add another knob of butter. Scramble your eggs in the butter and when they’re just about cooked, toss in the cheese and bacon.
Place the egg mixture in the middle of the tortillas, add the sriracha sauce and fold up like the best present ever.
Wipe out your pan and put it back on the fire. Add the tortilla parcels and toast for about 2 minutes each side. Slice them in half and eat as you enjoy our view.
Photography: Nick Jaffe / Satellite Island, Tasmania
Photography: Nick Jaffe / Satellite Island, Tasmania