Apple Cider Peaches with Whipped Cinnamon Cream
I have made this dish for several years, but never did I think to add cinnamon and apple cider till that was all I had to use! It’s now my favorite way to eat this dish. I also sometimes use whisky or wine in place of the cider.
Photography: HB Mertz
4 cups apple cider
10 peaches, halved, stone removed
1 cup white sugar
4 cinnamon quills
Heavy whipping cream
1 tablespoon raw sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Fire pit
- Serves 6 -
Photography: HB Mertz
Photography: HB Mertz
Photography: HB Mertz
Light your fire and let it burn down for 1 hour.
In a pan add the sugar and peaches faced down. Place on the coals of the fire, add the apple cider and cinnamon.
Cook for 15-30mis till they become soft, flip and allow to cook till ready to serve. Cool slightly.
In a metal mixing bowl add the cream, sugar and cinnamon, whip to stiff peaks form.
Serve with peaches in a bowl.
Photography: HB Mertz
Photography: HB Mertz