Tuna Steaks with Butter and Makrut Lime
Although this recipe seems simple, there is a technique to it that requires your attention to do your hard work justice. My brother Nathan and I hooked this tuna off the south coast of Tasmania after losing two to the bloody seals! But after some quick reflexes, we landed the fish in the boat and set sail for the shore to clean up and consume our catch.
Photography: Graham King
1 cup (250 g) butter
4 good-quality tuna steaks
2 tablespoons sea salt
To serve:
4 thick-cut slices of sourdough
2 lemons, sliced into cheeks
a few makrut lime leaves
Fire pit, grill plate
- Serves 4 -
Photography: Graham King
Photography: Graham King
Photography: Graham King
Light your fire and let it burn down for about 1 hour or until you obtain a medium heat. Place a grill grate about 12 in (30 cm) above the coals and sit a cast-iron griddle plate on the grill plate to heat up – you want it nice and hot when you add the tuna.
Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat until the whey splits from the fat – the golden fat will float to the top with the whey underneath. Gently dip the tuna steaks into the golden part of the butter, avoiding the whey (the whey holds the water and will make your fish soggy rather than crispy).
Season both sides of the tuna with the salt, then place the steaks on the hot griddle plate and cook each side for about 5 minutes for ½ in (1.5 cm) thick pieces of tuna. The butter will give the fish a lovely golden crust as it sears on the griddle plate.
While the fish is cooking, dip the slices of sourdough in the butter and season well, then place on the grate, along with the lemon cheeks.
Serve the tuna on the charred bread with some lime leaves and a good squeeze of lemon.
Photography: Graham King
Photography: Graham King