Kids Workshop - Willie Smith - Spring 2020


Cooking with kids always reminds me why I got into the game. There’s something so joyous and creative about children, the way their eyes light up when building a fire, or the fascination around how you can take a basketful of ingredients and turn them into something new, exciting and delicious. I have to say, sorry adults, but nothing really compares to a day of fun cooking with some awesome kids.


Hosted at Willie Smith’s Apple Orchard, apples made up a large portion of our menu.


“Fish on a stick” was one of the highlights. I love teaching kids that healthy, nutritious cooking can also be fun, easy and approachable.


At kids workshops we’re always mindful of hero-ing veggies - the cabbage was one of the stars of the day!

It was such a fun day - and everyone who attended left with a cookbook containing some puzzles, games, recipes and a polaroid of their creations from the day.

All images by Nick Jaffe